44% of Jew College Students are Afraid to Admit They’re Jews Amid Rise of Anti-Genocide Movement

Oh, wow.

Jews are being oppressed?

Why have I never heard this before?

New York Post:

A whopping 44% of college students and recent graduates said they “rarely” or “never” feel safe identifying as Jewish on campus as antisemitism soars, according to an eye-opening new survey.

Some 81% of college students and 69% of alums surveyed by the advocacy group Alums for Campus Fairness said they avoid certain places, events and stituations — and 60% even claimed to have witnessed faculty members making an offensive antisemitic remark to them or someone they know.

A vast majority of the 1,171 students participating in the survey — 76% — believe antisemitism has gotten worse while 83% of students and alums called rampant antisemitism a “very serious problem,” up from 74% who said it was a problem in a 2021 survey.

“The results, compared with our 2021 survey, expose dangerous trend lines for Jewish and pro-Israel students on college campuses,” Avid Gordon, executive director of the group said.

Antisemitism is getting worse. Students are hiding their Jewish identity,” Gordon said. “We are increasingly seeing a lack of safety in both digital and physical spaces.”


The fact that they say “safety in digital spaces” proves they’re not talking about “safety” in the sense most people think of the word.

Insofar as there are multiple definitions of “safety,” they are apparently talking about “emotional safety.”

Jews have not been violently attacked in the US since they started this genocide. The Jews have attacked protesters, most notably at UCLA a few months ago, where the cops withdrew to allow Jews to beat protesters with bats.

The Jew decision to whine about how they are victims at the same time they are slaughtering children was a bad decision. They will be forever tarnished by this. Everyone on earth is getting sick of them.