Atlantic City Removes Homeless “Apartment Complex” Beneath Iconic Boardwalk

Yeah, so Democrats hate the homeless now.

They are hardcore anti-immigration.

They don’t talk about trannies.

Their campaign is arguably more right-wing than Donald Trump’s.

I don’t like to think about it because it makes me tired.

New York Post:

Atlantic City officials dismantled a notorious homeless encampment beneath its iconic boardwalk, where resourceful drifters had set up surprisingly well-appointed makeshift lodgings, complete with heaters, love beds, pirated beer taps and a drop-off point for delivery pizzas.

Jarrod Barnes, the city’s director of Health and Human Services, described the encampment as an illicit apartment complex where residents have to crawl under the boardwalk for 50 yards before being transported to a modern day “Hooverville.”

It was rooms and heaters and electricity and real beds, wooden floors, they were charging electric bikes and they had hot plates,” Barnes, 41, told The Post.

One tenant even found a way to get pizzas and fast food delivered to his rent-free accommodations.

“He called into different places and gave the Showboat [casino] address and then apartment “U,” and they were delivering,” he said.

The sneaky instruction would direct the delivery drivers to the right spot beneath the boardwalk.

Barnes added that the man, who lived under the boardwalk for seven years, had a workstation and living room set up in the encampment.

The city official recalled that when he tried to oust the vagrant one morning, he appeared and told Barnes to come back later because “he had a woman in the bed there.”

As it turned out, mass homelessness, unlimited black violence, open borders, and child trannies were not popular.

So even while Kamala is still the vice president of the guy who pushed all that stuff down people’s throats, she is denouncing it all.

Her ads are all like “we are moving away from what is happening… everything will be different.”

Democrats all over the country are going along with her and pushing a far-right and fascist agenda.

Meanwhile, Trump is adopting all the Democrat talking points.

It’s sort of a switcharoo type thing.

Radical vibes.

Jarrod Barnes showing off the fence maintained under the boardwalk to keep vagrants out.